This Dover, Delaware allergy doctor, Joel Temple, had portraits with his wife of 63 years in their yard. Their granddaughter, of Milford, purchased the session as a gift to her mother for her mom's birthday. The idea for the session was inspired by how they wave goodbye to their guests after a visit! (Oh how I wish I had photos of my grandparents like this! Yes, I have many many photos of them. Just wish I had more and them on their porch.)

Written by their granddaughter:
Mary Jane and Joel Temple have been married for almost 63 years! To know them is to love them. My Grandpa has the special gift of knowing when someone he loves is hurting & saying exactly what they need to hear. He is wise and loving, and he adores my grandma! Mary Jane is the life of the party! She loves to laugh, and she loves to listen. Nothing brings her more joy than being around her family & we all love spending time with her! My grandparents are beacons of light in my life & in the lives of their children and other grandchildren.

A year without seeing or hugging their extended family, due to Covid, has been painful for everyone, so these photos of them are so special and will be treasured forever!

All great sessions should end with Cold Stone Ice Cream!

Sixty three years and still holding onto each other. They really were the sweetest and I hope that this encourages other families to include their extended families in sessions.
See more extended family sessions here.
#delawareFamilyPhotographer #drTemple #shannonritterphotography #delawareAnniversaryPhotographer #marriedForever #couplesPhotographer
#giftAPhotographySession #extendedFamily #familyPhotographer #DoverStrong #IBelieveInDover #grandparents #grandma #grandmaPortraits #photographYourFamily #familyHierloom #familiesAreForever