Killens Pond was an excellent location for a family of 5 photo session. Killens Pond, Delaware State Park's only Kent County location has endless possibilities for backdrops including a bridge, boardwalks, a NEW elevated boardwalk, pier, forest, long grasses and meadows. With three little ones, three years old and younger, we ran around, parents tickled, played peek-a-boo and had pulled some weeds. The rain started just as we were heading to the car. Perfect mercies.

I asked the girls to run and they chose to run straight to Daddy. This is definitely my favorite photo from the session; however, there is lots more! Even Little Bear, in the white dress, found just who she was looking for.

She made the flowers look adorable! I will discretely ask you if the kids can lay in the grass. Then some of the kids choose to and some choose not too! Which is exactly how it should be!

The little one below, fell asleep in the car on the way, so she took a minute to wake. However, we were able to get smiles from her and she did everything and more than I asked!

As the younger sister, I remember hugs like this!

See more recent family sessions here or let me know you want to find a time to photograph your family here.