Towers Ocean Beach is part of the Delaware Seashore State Park which was the perfect backdrop for this portrait session. One of the greatest hopes for Leslie's session was to have candid photos of her family. What a perfect client she is! Heading to the Delaware beaches with your family will provide opportunities for beautiful beach portraits. Especially candid moments. Lets mention the hair blowing in the wind, many laughs, sweet smiles, and wet feet.

This sweet one year old is so loved! He was walking back towards his family and they all started to campaign for him to come to each of them. That sister who won his cuddles was quite flattered.

All of these photos are real moments of this family enjoying the beach. The tide was coming in and it caught all of us by surprise. The three sisters were faster and this is what was left. Perfection!

This photo made me laugh out loud when I came to this photo in my editing! Boys sure do love their mamas! Aren't one year old kisses the very best?!

Thank you for coming to the beach and allowing your family to have some fun!
